sur Cypher Metaverse Inc. (isin : CA23267C1032)

Cypher Metaverse Secures Close to $940,000 in Recent Financing

Cypher Metaverse Inc. announced the completion of its LIFE and Common Share Financing, raising $939,705.99. The Vancouver-based company sold 1,978,330 common shares at $0.475 per share. The transaction was facilitated with finder's fees totaling $29,176.84.

Half of the shares were sold under the LIFE exemption, with the remaining shares restricted for trading until May 25, 2025. The proceeds will support working capital and corporate purposes.

Additionally, Cypher Metaverse appointed Michael Hopkinson as CFO following Tatiana Kovaleva's retirement. The company thanked Kovaleva for her contributions over the years.

R. H.

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