sur Cypher Metaverse Inc. (isin : CA23267C1032)

Cypher Metaverse Inc. Announces Debt Settlements

VANCOUVER, BC – Cypher Metaverse Inc. (CSE:CODE), also known as "CODE" or "the Company", disclosed the completion of new agreements to settle $149,215 of debt through the issuance of 1,755,470 shares. These shares are valued at a deemed price of $0.085 each. This transaction aims to enhance the Company's balance sheet considerably.

The newly issued securities will be held for a fixed period of four months and one day following the closing of this deal. The Company announced that no finder's fees would be involved. Certain insiders of the Company have participated in the settlement concerning accrued and unpaid fees and expenses. Furthermore, Cypher Metaverse Inc. states that it is adhering to exemptions in NI 61-101 that allow the Company to bypass minority approval and valuation requirements for transactions involving related parties.

R. H.

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