sur CUTV News
CUTV News Releases Series Featuring Pioneering Animal Communicator Penelope Smith
NEW RIVER, AR – CUTV News recently launched a video series showcasing Penelope Smith, a pioneer in the field of telepathic animal communication. With over five decades of experience, Smith, who has a background in sociology and psychology, initially worked as a counselor for humans before extending her expertise to animals.
In the series, Smith discusses the inception of her abilities and promotes the idea that telepathic communication with animals is a skill anyone can develop. She has authored several resources aimed at teaching individuals how to connect with animals on an emotional and spiritual level.
Smith emphasizes the impactful transformation in animal behavior and the strengthening of bonds between animals and their owners that can result from such communication. She advocates that animals possess an inherent wisdom and spiritual nature, which humans can learn from through empathetic and two-way communication.
R. E.
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