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CUTV News Highlights Interview with Dr. Sophia Edwards-Bennett on Healing Beyond Medicine

In a unique conversation with Jim Masters, Dr. Sophia Edwards-Bennett—a renowned Radiation Oncologist—dives deep into the concept of 'Soul Currency' and the journey towards 'Soul Immunity'. Drawing from her latest book and a series of videos, Dr. Edwards-Bennett sheds light on the integration of medical professionalism with a holistic understanding of healing, during the talk that was released on March 18, 2024.

Emphasizing the significance of treating the individual, not just the disease, Dr. Edwards-Bennett elaborates on how resilience, hope, forgiveness, and faith serve as tools for patients to navigate the adversities of life and illness. She articulates her role as a mirror for patients, helping them see their intrinsic worth and triumphs, even in the face of cancer's trials.

Her contributions to the field, characterized by a supportive and patient-centric approach, have garnered recognition and accolades, underlining her dedication to advancing cancer care beyond the conventional path. For those seeking to explore her insights and methodologies further, the interview and additional resources are accessible on CUTV News's platform.

R. E.

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