sur CTT Pharmaceutical Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTTH)
CTT Pharmaceuticals Welcomes Dr. Katherine Cole as Independent Director
CTT Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. has announced the appointment of Dr. Katherine Cole as an Independent Director. Dr. Cole earned her Ph.D. in Pathology from the University of Maryland's School of Medicine. She has significant experience from her tenure at the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, where she focused on anti-cancer mechanisms.
Her career spans roles as a biomedical scientist, professor, and university administrator. Dr. Cole has published 22 peer-reviewed papers and holds two patents related to a human liver cell line. She has secured prestigious grants from the National Science Foundation and Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
CTT highlights Dr. Cole’s unique expertise and looks forward to her impact on the team's scientific endeavors. With her extensive background, she is expected to contribute significantly to CTT's ongoing projects and innovations.
R. P.
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