sur CTS EVENTIM AG (isin : DE0005470306)

CTS EVENTIM: Merger between PRK Peter Rieger Konzertagentur and DreamHaus

The two subsidiaries of the CTS EVENTIM Group, PRK Peter Rieger Konzertagentur and DreamHaus, are joining forces to create PRK DreamHaus. This merger aims to create synergies, optimize management structures, and drive growth more effectively. The new company will be led by Klaus-Peter Matziol, Matt Schwarz, and Tobi Habla as managing directors. The teams and sites in Cologne and Berlin remain unchanged.

This merger is set to pool the strengths of both companies and ensure a smooth transition in management. Klaus-Peter Schulenberg, CEO of CTS EVENTIM, expressed confidence in the new structure, emphasizing the combined expertise and dedication of both teams to seize new opportunities and strengthen the live-entertainment presence.

R. E.

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