CSI DMC Achieves Platinum Level Certification from Green Business Benchmark

CSI DMC, Inc., a prominent Destination and Event Management Company, has been awarded the Platinum Level certification by the Green Business Benchmark for its commitment to sustainable practices. This marks a significant achievement reflecting the company's dedication to incorporating environmental sustainability into their operations.

The certification from Green Business Benchmark, a leading authority in sustainable business operations, acknowledges CSI DMC's efforts towards integrating eco-friendly practices within their day-to-day activities. Paul Ghiz, Chairman of the Board at Green Business Benchmark, expressed his satisfaction in awarding CSI DMC and looks forward to assisting them with growth in sustainable business practices using various tools and resources.

Amberlee Huggins, Chief Marketing Officer at CSI DMC, shared the importance of the certification as a driving force for the company's ongoing commitment to environmental, social, and governance initiatives. She highlighted the company's role in driving sustainability in event management, benefiting clients and supporting local communities with a focus on collective environmental responsibility.

R. H.

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