Crossject highlights the potential of ZEPIZURE® following RAMPART and bioequivalence studies
Crossject recently highlighted the potential of ZEPIZURE®, its emergency treatment for epileptic seizures, based on the results of the RAMPART and bioequivalence studies published in Neurology and Therapy. The RAMPART study established intramuscular midazolam as the standard for emergency seizures, showing it to be non-inferior to intravenous lorazepam.
Crossject's study shows that ZEPIZURE® is effective and comparable to traditional intramuscular injection, with reduced variability. ZEPIZURE® could improve the speed of action and reliability of midazolam administration thanks to its ZENEO® needle-free auto-injection technology.
The Chairman of the Management Board, Patrick Alexandre, underlines that ZEPIZURE® could become a reference in pre-hospital care, requiring limited training and offering constant and efficient administration to healthcare professionals.
R. E.
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