Crossing thresholds at Groupe Partouche
On September 11, 2024, Financière Partouche declared that it had crossed upwards the thresholds of 2/3 of the capital and voting rights of GROUPE PARTOUCHE. This action was formalized by mail on September 11, 2024.
This crossing is the consequence of a reduction in the company's capital, which occurred on September 11, 2017, by canceling 54,526 treasury shares. To date, Financière Partouche holds 6,433,585 shares, representing 66.83% of the capital and voting rights.
The concert, composed of Financière Partouche, Mr. Patrick Partouche, Ms. Katy Zenou, and Mr. Ari Sebag, holds 6,494,200 shares, or 67.46% of the capital and voting rights. The shares of each are detailed: Financière Partouche 66.83%, Mr. Patrick Partouche 0.47%, Ms. Katy Zenou 0.10%, and Mr. Ari Sebag 0.06%.
R. E.
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