Crossing of capital thresholds for UTI GROUP

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action UTI GROUP (EPA:FPG).

On October 25, 2024, Mr. Christian Aumard declared that he had crossed downwards several capital and voting rights thresholds within the company UTI GROUP, listed on Euronext Paris. Through the company Law Informatique, he now directly and indirectly holds 82,768 shares, equivalent to 0.39% of the capital and voting rights. This transaction results from an off-market sale of shares by Law Informatique.

This crossing marks a significant reduction in Mr. Aumard's stake, which previously exceeded two-thirds of the voting rights. The transaction affects the positions of Mr. Aumard and Law Informatique, which remain under family control, thus intensifying the market float.

R. E.

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