sur Critical Elements Lithium Corporation (isin : CA22675W1077)

Critical Elements Lithium Announces Successful Completion of Drill Program at Rose West Discovery

Critical Elements Lithium Corporation (CRE) reports the completion of a significant drill program at its fully owned Rose West Discovery, achieving notable intersections of spodumene-rich pegmatites. The drill program, encompassing 31 holes for a total of 3,670 meters, marks a pivotal advancement in the exploration of the Rose and Rose South property blocks, which constitute a substantial portion of the company's exploration portfolio in Québec.

Through this winter's drilling campaign, the continuity of a mineralized pegmatite body was confirmed, extending over a 450m strike and reaching a vertical depth of 140m. Notably, the program uncovered multiple near-surface, mineralized pegmatites with thicknesses up to 12.4m, which appear to converge into a larger spodumene-bearing pegmatite body to the east with an apparent width of up to 40.4m. Initial assay results from the drill program have also yielded high-grade lithium results, with highlights including 1.61% Li2O and 135ppm Ta2O5 over 6.9m from one hole, and 1.00% Li2O and 285 ppm Ta2O5 over 8.65m from another.

Jean-Sébastien Lavallée, CEO of CRE, expressed optimism about the discovery’s implications for the future, noting the confirmation of high-grade lithium mineralization at Rose West as a significant step forward. With a focus on minimizing shareholder dilution while seeking project financing for the Rose Project, Lavallée hinted at the potential for more economically valuable mineralization findings from additional drilling on the corporation's extensive land position.

R. E.

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