Credit Coopératif Releases Final Terms for €200 Million Notes by RATP

Credit Coopératif announced the final terms for the issuance of €200 million 0.875% Notes due August 18, 2080, under RATP's €6 billion Euro Medium Term Note Programme. The notes are restricted from EEA and UK retail investors and solely target eligible counterparties and professional clients under MiFID II regulations.

The notes will be issued at 95.386% of their nominal amount, with an aggregate nominal amount of €200 million. They carry a fixed annual interest rate of 0.875%, with payments commencing on August 18, 2021.

Listing and trading will commence on Euronext Paris from the issue date. Legal entity rating by Fitch stands at AA. The net proceeds estimated at €190,172,000 will be directed towards RATP's investment program. The yield calculated at the issuance date is 0.977% per annum.

R. P.

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