sur Crédit Agricole Brie Picardie (EPA:CRBP2)
Crédit Agricole Brie Picardie: Weekly share buybacks
The Caisse Régionale de Crédit Agricole Mutuel Brie Picardie (CACAM Brie Picardie) carried out several share buybacks this week, in accordance with article 5 of the MAR Regulation.
On June 17, 2024, two transactions took place, one on the XOFF market with a volume of 874 shares at an average price of 18.15 EUR, and the other on XPAR with 867 shares at 18.09 EUR on average .
On June 18, CACAM Brie Picardie bought back a total of 2,215 shares on the XOFF and XPAR markets with a price oscillating around 17.80 EUR.
Buybacks continued on June 19 with a total volume of 880 shares on XPAR, and on June 20 the company acquired 821 shares at EUR 17.51 on the same market.
On June 21, major transactions were made with a total of 3254 shares repurchased on the XOFF and XPAR markets at prices between 17.12 EUR and 17.13 EUR.
R. H.
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