sur Crédit Agricole Brie Picardie (EPA:CRBP2)

Crédit Agricole Brie Picardie: Summary of Share Buybacks According to the MAR Regulation

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Crédit Agricole Brie Picardie (EPA:CRBP2).

The Caisse Régionale de Crédit Agricole Mutuel Brie Picardie, a cooperative society approved as a credit institution, has published its share buybacks carried out in compliance with Article 5 of the MAR Regulation. These transactions took place between March 3 and 7, 2025 on the XPAR market.

Over five days, purchases ranged from 985 to 1998 shares per day, at unit prices ranging from EUR 21.70 to EUR 22.11. The repurchase aims to cancel the shares, in accordance with the defined rules. The identifier of the financial instrument used during the transactions is FR0010483768.

The transactions were carried out by the broker Kepler Cheuvreux, under coordination with Crédit Agricole. They illustrate the implementation of controlled financial strategies, with a significant total volume committed to the market.

R. H.

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