sur GSG GROUP S.A. (isin : LU0251710041)

CPI PROPERTY GROUP Announces New Head of Corporate Finance

CPI PROPERTY GROUP, a leading real estate company, announced the appointment of Stefano Filippi as the new Head of Corporate Finance. Stefano, a seasoned executive with over two decades of experience at Barclays, brings a wealth of expertise in financial structuring, mergers, acquisitions, and capital markets. Educated at University Luigi Bocconi, he furthered his studies at London Business School and King's College London's Dickson Poon School of Law.

CEO David Greenbaum expressed confidence in Stefano's abilities to support CPI PROPERTY GROUP's strategic goals for 2024, emphasizing the importance of attracting top talent to achieve optimal results. Stefano's responsibilities will extend beyond corporate finance, encompassing the role of country manager for Italy. He succeeds Giuseppe Colombo, who will continue to serve as Senior Advisor for Italy within the company.

R. H.

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