Continuous improvement at écomiam despite a difficult economic context

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ECOMIAM (EPA:ALECO).

écomiam, a French distributor specializing in frozen products, reported a slight decline in turnover for the 2023/24 fiscal year, amounting to €39.1 million, down 3.3%. This decline is explained in particular by unfavorable weather conditions and political uncertainty. However, the company showed signs of quarterly improvement.

The rationalization of the network led to the closure of 12 stores and the opening of 6 new points of sale, bringing the total to 61 stores. These efforts have allowed an increase in store traffic of 8 points, showing an effective strategy.

The gross margin increased in the second half of the year to reach nearly 40%, thanks to rigorous management. écomiam forecasts a commercial margin of 42% for the next half of the year, and positive operating profitability in 2024/2025.

R. H.

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