sur Condor Gold Plc (isin : GB00B8225591)
Condor Gold's Acquisition by Metals Exploration Approved
Condor Gold PLC announced that the Court has sanctioned its scheme of arrangement, facilitating the acquisition by Metals Exploration PLC. This includes acquiring Condor's entire issued and to be issued share capital. The approved scheme follows a shareholder vote on January 6, 2025, which endorsed the initiative with required majorities.
Trading of Condor Gold shares on AIM and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) will halt on January 13, 2025. The effective date of the scheme is planned for January 15, 2025, subject to the Court Order's delivery. Trading suspensions on AIM and TSX are anticipated, leading to delisting at the close of January 14, 2025.
Shareholders are informed that the proposed new MTL shares will be credited in CREST accounts shortly after January 16, 2025, and cash considerations will follow within 14 days of the scheme's effective date.
R. E.
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