sur Condor Gold Plc (isin : GB00B8225591)

Condor Gold Plc Announces Issuance of New Shares

Condor Gold Plc, a mining company listed on the AIM and TSX markets, announced the issuance of 100,000 new Ordinary Shares. The shares, each valued at 0.1p, have been allocated to John Ian Stalker, a Non-Executive Director of the company. This issuance is in continuation of the company's announcement made on December 17, 2024.

With this new issuance, the total number of Ordinary Shares in circulation now stands at 204,542,778, all of which come with voting rights. This development signifies a strategic move by Condor Gold Plc aimed at strengthening its capital base.

Condor Gold's actions are supported by financial advisories including Beaumont Cornish Limited and SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP, both regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The transaction has adhered to legal and regulatory protocols.

R. E.

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