sur Condor Gold Plc (isin : GB00B8225591)

Condor Gold Plc Acquisition by Metals Exploration Plc Finalized

The acquisition of Condor Gold Plc by Metals Exploration Plc has been successfully completed. The scheme of arrangement, integral to the acquisition of all issued and to-be-issued share capital of Condor Gold, was activated following the delivery of the Court Order to the Registrar of Companies.

Trading of Condor Gold shares on AIM was suspended on January 14, 2025, with delisting from the Toronto Stock Exchange finalized on the same date. The cancellation of trading on AIM is set for January 16, 2025. Shareholders registered at 10:00 p.m. on January 14, 2025, will receive 4.0526 new Metals Exploration shares, 9.9p cash, and 1 Contingent Value Right per share. Settlements are to be processed within 14 days.

All directors of Condor Gold have resigned as of the effective date of the scheme.

R. H.

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