sur ComplianceQuest

ComplianceQuest Launches Innovative CQ University to Enhance Digital Platform Mastery

ComplianceQuest has officially announced the introduction of CQ University, an educational project aimed at significantly improving users' skills in navigating the ComplianceQuest platform. The initiative seeks to merge both technical and functional knowledge, empowering users with a comprehensive understanding of the platform's capabilities in AI-driven Product Lifecycle Management, Quality Management, and other areas.

This educational program positions itself as a pioneer in offering an integrated learning environment, focusing on the CQ Platform's application in product, quality, supplier, safety, and compliance management. Govardhan Muralidhar, Co-founder and Sr. VP at ComplianceQuest, emphasized the program's dedication to providing relevant skills in Salesforce and the CQ platform, aiming at digital transformation and competitive mastery.

CQ University promises an extensive curriculum featuring virtual classrooms, hands-on training sessions, and in-depth module explorations to ensure a thorough understanding of the platform. The training covers vital modules such as Audit, Change Management, and Risk Management, among others, targeting enhancement of quality, safety, and efficiency in operations.

The launch of CQ University signifies ComplianceQuest's commitment to advancing educational opportunities in the field of AI-powered management solutions. For more details on enrollment and program offerings, interested individuals are encouraged to visit the ComplianceQuest website.

R. P.

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