Compagnie du Bois Sauvage Reports 2024 Financial Performance

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action COMPAGNIE BOIS SAUVAGE (EBR:COMB).

Compagnie du Bois Sauvage announced its 2024 financial results, highlighting an increase in operating income to EUR 50.1 million, up from EUR 32.9 million in 2023. This rise is primarily attributed to the Chocolate segment, which posted a 9.4% increase in operating income. The net result, however, was negative at EUR -69.8 million, significantly impacted by a drop in the fair value of Umicore and other investments.

Net Asset Value per share decreased to EUR 498.9 from EUR 543.7 the previous year. Notably, a gross dividend increase to EUR 8.40 per share is proposed. The company's strategy continues to focus on the Chocolate division and real estate, with positive performances from Neuhaus and Jeff de Bruges, and promising signs of market recovery for its real estate arm, Eaglestone.

CEO Benoît Deckers stressed ongoing cost management and strategic investments despite challenging market conditions, emphasizing resilience and growth potential.

R. P.

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