COGRA publishes its 3rd quarter turnover and faces a changing market

The French company COGRA, a pioneer in wood energy, announces a turnover of €7.7 million for the 3rd quarter of the 2023/24 financial year, marking a significant drop of 54.7% compared to the same period the previous year. This trend reflects an overall decline of 19.0% over the first nine months of the year, where turnover stood at €34.4 million. COGRA identifies several factors contributing to this situation: a reduction in demand due to a mild winter, high initial stocks at distributors in reaction to the energy crisis of 2022, a market disrupted by massive imports and a drop in sales of equipment.

However, despite these challenges, COGRA remains confident in its ability to navigate this transitioning market, thanks to solid experience and optimized cost and inventory management. By maintaining its focus on the quality of its products and service to its diverse customer base, COGRA hopes to stabilize its position as it prepares its next semi-annual financial report.

R. E.

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