sur Karbon-X Project Inc. (NASDAQ:KARX)

CM-Equity AG and Karbon-X Partner to Achieve Carbon Neutrality

CM-Equity AG, a prominent Munich-based investment group, has announced a partnership with Karbon-X to offset its entire greenhouse gas emissions. This move underscores CM-Equity AG's commitment to sustainability and climate action.

The emissions reduction strategy covers Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, per Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standards. Scope 1 addresses direct emissions from fuels, Scope 2 includes indirect emissions from electricity, and Scope 3 involves value chain emissions like transmission losses and air transport.

Karbon-X provides customized carbon offsetting solutions, verified by the Verra Standard, ensuring transparency. These projects support global sustainability goals and yield measurable environmental benefits. CM-Equity AG's proactive stance highlights its dedication to environmental responsibility in the financial sector.

R. H.

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