sur Influents Innovations

“Click City: Tobacco and Vaping Prevention Program for Fifth Graders Shows Promising Results”

Recent studies have underscored the effectiveness of “Click City: Tobacco,” an online prevention program aimed at curbing the intentions and willingness of fifth-grade students to vape and smoke. The program, spearheaded by Judy Andrews, Ph.D., of Influents Innovations, incorporates science-based activities and interactive games to engage students. It is distinguished as one of the first of its kind to show efficacy through rigorous experimental designs.

In light of the rising vaping trends among youth, the program was updated to include vaping prevention alongside tobacco. A pivotal randomized control trial across 43 schools in Arizona and Oregon revealed the program's significant impact, notably among students at higher risk of tobacco or vaping use. By targeting and altering the social norms and beliefs around smoking and vaping, “Click City: Tobacco” fosters negative attitudes towards such behaviors. Additionally, it educates on the adverse health consequences and the nature of addiction.

The program, designed for implementation in fifth and sixth grades, aims at an early intervention to prevent lifelong nicotine addiction. It has proven feasible for classroom settings, requiring minimal teacher training and showing high completion rates and teacher satisfaction. Available through Influents Innovations, “Click City: Tobacco” represents a proactive step towards mitigating youth vaping and smoking.

R. H.

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