sur ToolsGroup

Ciavarella Pneumatici Partners with ToolsGroup for Supply Chain Optimization

Ciavarella Pneumatici, a prominent tire distributor in Italy, has teamed up with ToolsGroup to enhance its supply chain planning. This collaboration aims to improve demand forecasting, inventory management, and customer service levels.

Known for its dynamic approach and innovation, Ciavarella operates five strategically located warehouses to serve Central and Southern Italy efficiently. The company's emphasis on customer satisfaction and risk management in inventory reflects its commitment to excellence.

William Ciavarella, a member of the founding family, emphasizes the partnership's focus on maximizing customer satisfaction and maintaining competitive advantage. ToolsGroup's AI-driven solutions will help Ciavarella manage supplier diversity and demand complexity, considering factors like seasonal changes and lead times.

ToolsGroup CEO Inna Kuznetsova highlights the partnership's shared commitment to supply chain excellence and innovation. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, Ciavarella aims to optimize stock positioning, reduce working capital, and improve service levels in the competitive tire distribution market.

R. P.

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