Changes to the 2023 Annual Results for published a corrective press release on July 7, 2024, concerning its 2023 annual results. Additional depreciation of €1,062,000 was recorded, affecting ALLODATA securities, ADOMOS convertible bonds and customer accounts. doubtful.

The new financial data shows a turnover of €2,304 thousand, unchanged compared to the first announcements. However, the consolidated net result now amounts to -€9,142 thousand, compared to -€8,684 thousand previously unaudited. The auditor submitted his report without being able to certify that the annual accounts are regular and fair.

The observations highlight significant uncertainty linked to operational continuity in 2024. Savings measures have been taken to counter the drop in activity, but new financing will be necessary. REAL ESTATE TECHNOLOGY OPPORTUNITIES has indicated its financial support until September 2024.

R. H.

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