sur Altech Advanced Materials AG (isin : DE000A2BPG14)

CERENERGY Battery Project Earns Top "Dark Green" Rating from S&P Global Ratings

Altech Advanced Materials AG, a company specializing in innovative battery technologies, announced that its CERENERGY battery project received the highest possible "Dark Green" rating from S&P Global Ratings. This accolade acknowledges the project's environmentally friendly attributes and positions it for green bond financing.

The CERENERGY battery, free from graphite, lithium, and cobalt, is praised for its significantly lower CO2 emissions compared to traditional lithium batteries. The "Dark Green" rating allows Altech to access environmentally conscious financing options, such as green bonds, for its Schwarze Pumpe facility.

S&P's analysis emphasizes the project's focus on sustainability in industrial and energy sectors, highlighting its low emission rates. The CERENERGY battery's production eliminates the use of critical minerals and utilizes recycled materials, minimizing environmental impact.

By earning this prestigious rating, Altech sets a strong foundation for sustainable financing, anticipating a growing investor interest in green projects across Europe.

R. E.

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