sur Centra Companies

Centra Capital Partners Unveils Waterfront Village for Accredited Investors

Centra Capital Partners has launched an investment opportunity in the burgeoning city of Ramsey, MN. The enterprise, named Waterfront Village, is aimed at accredited investors seeking to diversify their portfolios with real estate ventures. This development, in Ramsey's heart, comprises 110 lots set for development into detached townhomes slated for sales beginning fall 2024.

The collaboration with the City of Ramsey emphasizes the community's design, incorporating features like walkable trails to create an appealing environment for commuters and first-time homebuyers. Vice President of Land at Centra, Paul Tabone, emphasizes the project's alignment with the city's growth vision and market demand.

Positioned as a jewel in the rapidly expanding region of Minneapolis/St. Paul, Ramsey's promise for real estate investment is underscored by its strategic location and economic growth catalyzed by its proximity to Fortune 500 companies. Dale Wills, the founder of Centra Capital Partners, remarks on the investment potential and the city's ongoing enhancements to transportation and retail, forecasting increasing marketability for Waterfront Village.

With a minimum investment threshold set at $100,000, Centra is inviting both novice and seasoned investors to explore this opportunity aimed at building wealth and enriching communities.

R. H.

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