CBI: Preliminary half-year results and share buyback 2024/2025

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN INDUSTRIES (EPA:ALCBI).

Crypto Blockchain Industries (CBI) has revealed its half-year results for the period from April 1 to September 30, 2024. Consolidated revenue amounts to €2,184K, slightly down from the previous year. Current operating income shows a deficit of €887K, impacted by a provision of €850K related to the operation of the Brilliantcrypto game. Excluding the guaranteed minimum, this result is close to breakeven.

CBI has activated a share buyback program, capped at €0.50 per share, for a maximum amount of €1 million. This decision aims to return to shareholders a portion of the valuation of the $CHAIN and $COPI tokens.

At the same time, CBI is allocating part of its cash to the purchase of major cryptocurrencies, continuing its blockchain investment strategy.

Among the highlights, CBI welcomed Colopl, Inc. as a 12.5% shareholder, and signed an exclusive contract for the Brilliantcrypto game in Europe and South America.

R. H.

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