CBI Extends Validity of BSA A and B until 2030

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN INDUSTRIES (EPA:ALCBI).

Crypto Blockchain Industries (CBI) has announced the extension of the validity of its A and B share subscription warrants (BSA) until March 31, 2030. They were initially issued in February 2024 and were due to expire at the end of March 2025. This decision aims to allow shareholders to benefit from CBI's ambitious strategy focused on the acquisition of crypto-assets.

The BSA A and B are listed on the Euronext Growth Paris market, under the ISIN codes FR001400O416 and FR001400O408 respectively. CBI emphasizes, however, that the realization of its projects is subject to significant uncertainties and that investment in crypto-assets remains risky due to their volatility.

R. P.

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