sur Castle Connolly

Castle Connolly Releases 2024 Top Hispanic & Latino Doctors

Castle Connolly has published its 2024 list recognizing 336 outstanding Hispanic and Latino doctors. This represents a 44% increase compared to the previous year and includes 73 specialties across 35 states. The initiative is part of Castle Connolly’s Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) effort.

Dr. Diana E. Ramos highlights the growth of the Latino population and the importance of bilingual physicians. Communication and cultural understanding are critical to improving health outcomes in Hispanic communities. In California, where 40% of the population is Latino, the need for Spanish-speaking physicians who understand cultural nuances is pressing.

Castle Connolly collaborates with National Latino Physician Day, emphasizing the underrepresentation of Latino doctors, and encouraging the next generation to pursue medical careers. Dr. Michael Galvez underscores the day’s mission to create awareness, celebrate Latino physicians, and advocate for increased Latino representation in healthcare.

Steve Leibforth, Managing Director of Castle Connolly, explains that the list connects patients with providers sharing their language and background. Such connections are essential for breaking down barriers to care. The selection process involves peer nominations and stringent evaluations by the Castle Connolly research team.

Castle Connolly also releases other distinguished lists, including Top Black Doctors, Exceptional Women in Medicine, Top AAPI Doctors, and Top LGBTQ+ Doctors.

R. E.

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