sur Castle Connolly
Castle Connolly Announces 2024 Health Care Accolades
Castle Connolly released the 2024 Castle Connolly Accolades, celebrating exceptional health systems, hospitals, and physician practices. These awards, based on the quantity of Castle Connolly Top Doctors within an institution, also consider factors such as institution type and location, particularly highlighting those in special medical services like Cancer Care and Orthopaedic Care.
Steve Leibforth, Castle Connolly's Managing Director, introduced the accolades to acknowledge the range of institutions providing high-quality care, from comprehensive health systems to specialized physician practices. Meanwhile, Northwell Health's Orthopaedic Institute, recognized as #1 in Orthopaedics, expressed pride in their team's commitment to excellent, comprehensive care. This consistent recognition of healthcare excellence underscores Castle Connolly's mission to connect patients with top healthcare providers.
R. E.
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