Carrefour Announces Its Voting Rights and Shares Count for February 2024

Carrefour, a major player in the global retail market, has disclosed the total number of voting rights and shares as of 29 February 2024. The announcement follows the guidelines laid out in article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and article 223-16 of the Règlement général de l’Autorité des marchés financiers, ensuring transparency and regulatory compliance.

As reported on this date, Carrefour's total issued shares amount to 708,790,816. The real number of voting rights, which excludes treasury shares, stands at 872,737,372. Additionally, the theoretical number of voting rights, including treasury shares, is disclosed to be 887,935,497. These figures illustrate the company’s share structure and voting capacity, crucial for investors and stakeholders in making informed decisions.

R. P.

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