sur Carbeeza Inc. (isin : CA1407721044)
Carbeeza Inc. Secures $2.5 Million Through Private Placement
Carbeeza Inc. has announced the closure of a $2.5 million non-brokered private placement. The company issued 25 million units at $0.05 per unit, generating $1.25 million in gross proceeds. Each unit includes a common share and a warrant, allowing the holder to purchase another share at $0.15 within 24 months.
Securities from the offering have a hold period of four months and one day. Funds will aid working capital and corporate purposes. The TSX Venture Exchange's final approval is pending. Notably, 12% of the offering involved insider participation, fitting within regulations that bypass formal valuation and minority shareholder approval.
Carbeeza uses AI to offer tailored auto financing solutions. The offering holds significance for both consumers and auto dealers in the automotive marketplace.
R. E.
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