sur Carbeeza Inc. (isin : CA1407721044)
Carbeeza Inc. Appoints Tim Maddigan as New Director
Carbeeza Inc. announced the appointment of Mr. Tim Maddigan to its board of directors, effective immediately. Mr. Maddigan brings a wealth of experience from the financial services industry, having worked with numerous Canadian investment firms, including Marleau Lemire Securities and Research Capital Corp. His extensive background includes facilitating financing for small-cap public companies in technology and mining. Recently, he has focused on raising equity for private companies aiming to go public. Mr. Maddigan holds a degree in Economics from the University of British Columbia.
Carbeeza, a Canadian software firm, operates in the automotive market. Their platform utilizes Artificial Intelligence to provide optimal financing solutions for consumers while ensuring anonymity. It simplifies car buying by making the process accessible via smartphone, offering benefits to consumers and auto dealers alike.
R. E.
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