Capgemini: Transactions on own shares from October 10 to 16, 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action CAPGEMINI (EPA:CAP).

Capgemini SE has published a statement regarding transactions in its own shares carried out between October 10 and 16, 2024. The company acquired 135,000 shares on the over-the-counter market each day. These transactions are intended to neutralize the dilutive effect of the capital increase. They are part of Capgemini's eleventh employee shareholding plan.

The average price per share ranged from EUR 181.4696 to EUR 183.4356 during the period. These transactions are conducted through Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank and are intended for cancellation. This strategy demonstrates Capgemini's commitment to managing its shares efficiently.

R. P.

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