sur Camino Minerals Corp. (isin : CA1380502080)

Camino Minerals Corp Concludes Final Tranche of Private Placement

Camino Minerals Corporation has announced the closure of its final tranche of a non-brokered private placement. This session saw the issuance of 1,781,047 common shares at a price of $0.21 each, accumulating approximately $374,020. Combined with earlier tranches, the total fundraising stands at $1,999,770. The shares were allocated privately, adhering to applicable securities laws and a holding period of four months plus one day, ending June 5, 2025.

The proceeds aim to support corporate working capital, legal, engineering, and general administrative expenses. Completion awaits final approval from the TSX Venture Exchange. Camino continues to advance its copper projects across Chile and Peru, signifying its intention to establish copper assets amid a growing global demand.

R. P.

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