sur Building

Building, Inc. Announces Waitlist for International Enterprise Tokenization and Smart City Technology

Building, a U.S.-based technology startup with operations beginning in Hong Kong, has unveiled its flagship product for tokenizing real estate and other financial assets. This announcement comes as many investors are exploring tokenization for its potential to make alternative investments, such as commercial real estate, more efficient and possibly liquid.

Building uses blockchain technology to digitize and securitize asset ownership and data, a process referred to as tokenization. CEO Matthew Schneider emphasizes the importance of data from the start of a property's lifecycle, ensuring every digitized document's provenance to enhance trust and transparency in investments.

Despite enthusiasm for tokenization's potential to increase asset liquidity, Schneider notes it doesn't guarantee immediate liquidity—accurate data and the presence of buyers are crucial factors.

Building's platform not only collects and validates real estate data but also offers financial projections and integrates with service providers, leveraging AI to scale these processes. The company also sponsors Next Gen MKE, an event in Milwaukee promoting real estate, deep tech, and social impact.

R. P.

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