sur Broadview Industries AG (isin : DE0007775231)

Broadview Industries AG Announces Tender Offer for Westag AG

Broadview Industries AG has announced a public delisting tender offer to acquire all the ordinary and preference shares of Westag AG not already owned by the company. The cash offer stands at EUR 30.76 per ordinary share and EUR 31.35 per preference share. This offer includes surcharges based on expected dividends for the fiscal year 2024.

Currently, Broadview holds approximately 76.79% of Westag's share capital, translating to about 85.96% of voting rights. The offer remains open to shareholders wishing to sell their shares ahead of Westag's planned delisting from the Frankfurt and Düsseldorf Stock Exchanges.

This transaction is part of a broader agreement aimed at ceasing Westag's trading activities on the regulated markets. The offer document and further details are available on Broadview's website pending approval by Germany's financial supervisory authorities.

R. H.

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