BOOSTHEAT announces a new fundraising of €200,000

BOOSTHEAT (FR001400IAM7 / ALBOO), a French company specializing in energy efficiency, has raised 200,000 euros by issuing 80 ORA, subscribed by Impact Tech Turnaround Opportunities (ITTO). This operation continually finances the company's turnaround plan.

This issuance could result in the creation of more than 526 million new shares, thus significantly diluting the participation of current shareholders. Now, a shareholder with 1% of the capital would see their participation reduced to 0.87%. Before this operation, previous ORAs had made it possible to raise 7.62 million euros and create more than 2.1 billion new shares.

It should be noted that the initial subscriber, ITTO, does not intend to remain a shareholder in the long term, but plans to resell its shares on the market, which could exert downward pressure on the share price. Investors are cautioned against potential losses and high dilution resulting from such transactions.

R. P.

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