BlackRock falls below the threshold of 5% of Société Générale’s voting rights

On July 17, 2024, BlackRock, Inc., acting on behalf of its clients and funds, fell below the threshold of 5% of the voting rights of Société Générale. By letter received on July 18, 2024, the American company declared that it held 43,414,327 Société Générale shares, or 5.41% of the capital and 4.93% of the voting rights. This drop results from a sale of shares on the market and a reduction in the number of shares held as collateral.
Indeed, the letter specifies that the composition of the shares includes 2,884,105 Société Générale ADRs, 199,340 shares via "contracts for differences" (CFDs), 375,926 shares by loan and 735,585 shares held as collateral. In addition, BlackRock indicated that it has 5,446,532 shares for which clients retain control of the voting rights.
R. P.
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