sur BlackBerry QNX (NASDAQ:BB)
BlackBerry to Host Investor Day for Financial Community

WATERLOO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / September 10, 2024 / BlackBerry Limited (NYSE: BB)(TSX: BB) has announced it will host its Investor Day on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. ET.
The event will be held at the New York Stock Exchange and will be accessible to the general public via a live webcast. Registration links are available on the site. A replay will be provided following the event.
This Investor Day will allow investors and analysts to engage with BlackBerry executives. Attendees will gain insight into the company's vision, future plans, and advancements towards profitability and positive cash flow in the IoT and Cybersecurity sectors. Additional details and the agenda are also available online.
R. E.
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