sur BlackBerry QNX (NASDAQ:BB)
BlackBerry QNX Survey Highlights Software Safety and Security Challenges

BlackBerry QNX has released new research showing the intense pressure on software engineers to balance rapid innovation with safety and security. The survey, involving 1,000 developers worldwide, revealed that 75% often compromise safety to meet deadlines. This highlights a significant challenge in maintaining robust and certified systems amidst urgent timelines.
Security and cost are critical factors when selecting operating systems, but many developers are open to switching due to challenges in meeting international safety standards. Open-Source platforms are popular but fall short on safety certifications compared to proprietary systems.
Security issues are prevalent, particularly in Open-Source systems, with 72% of developers experiencing project delays due to vulnerabilities. Nearly a third of respondents' operating systems lack necessary safety certifications, resulting in costly compliance issues.
R. P.
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