sur BioVersys AG

BioVersys AG Announces Partial Exercise of Over-Allotment Option

BioVersys AG, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, has announced the partial exercise of the over-allotment option following its IPO on the SIX Swiss Exchange. The company will issue an additional 47,862 new shares. This follows the end of the stabilization period linked to the IPO.

Following the exercise, the total new shares issued by BioVersys in connection with its IPO will reach 2,131,195. The number of shares outstanding will increase to 5,823,480. The IPO, with a share offer price of CHF 36.00, has allowed BioVersys to raise CHF 76.7 million in total gross proceeds.

BioVersys focuses on developing novel antibacterial products for infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. The Board is expected to approve the issuance shortly, following decisions by an extraordinary shareholders' meeting.

R. P.

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