sur Biotricity, Inc. (NASDAQ:BTCY)

Biotricity Announces a Strategic Partnership for Cardiac Screenings in Patients with Co-Morbidities

Biotricity Inc., a prominent Technology-as-a-Service company in the medical diagnostic and consumer healthcare sector, has announced a strategic partnership aimed at conducting cardiac screenings for patients with neurological disorders. This initiative is set to address the cardiovascular risks associated with over 1,000 neurological conditions affecting more than 100 million Americans. By facilitating earlier screenings for patients with co-morbidities, Biotricity aims to reduce healthcare costs and enhance the quality of care provided.

Dr. Waqaas Al-Siddiq, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Biotricity, emphasizes this partnership as a foundational step in the company's strategy to develop a comprehensive cardiac screening network for patients with co-morbidities, aiming to improve the market reach within the healthcare industry. The partnership is set to alleviate the burden on cardiologists by allowing referring physicians to conduct preliminary screenings, which will enable earlier referrals for necessary cardiac care, optimizing the efficiency of healthcare professionals and potentially saving lives.

Biotricity's approach of building strategic partnerships in specialty areas is anticipated to expedite market access. Specifically, this partnership allows Biotricity to tap into the neurology market, encompassing over 100 million Americans and more than 16,000 neurologists, by focusing on patients at increased cardiac risk who require early screenings. This strategy underlines Biotricity's commitment to improving patient outcomes through innovative healthcare solutions.

R. H.

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