BIOSYNEX: AVALUN rewarded for its innovation in fibrinogen diagnosis

AVALUN, a subsidiary of BIOSYNEX, was distinguished at the HealthTech Trophies, organized by France Biotech, for its major advances in the field of diagnostics. On March 25, 2024, the company received an award for the development of its Tsmart® FIB Batrox test. This test allows rapid determination of fibrinogen on a drop of citrated blood, a significant development for assessing the severity of hemorrhages and monitoring risky surgical interventions.

The Tsmart® FIB Batrox stands out for advantages such as insensitivity to certain anticoagulants, allowing its use in specific surgical contexts. BIOSYNEX estimates the annual market potential for this type of emergency dosing at $150 million. Currently undergoing certification in Europe and the United States, the product has attracted the interest of healthcare professionals, and clinical evaluations are underway in several European university hospital centers.

Innovation represents, according to Vincent Poher, founder of AVALUN, the fruit of ten years of hard work. Larry Abensur, CEO of the BIOSYNEX group, underlines the importance of this advancement for the care of patients in critical situations, aligned with the group's mission to contribute to saving lives while opening up growth prospects.

R. P.

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