sur Biophytis (EPA:ALBPS)
Biophytis to Present at 15th International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research

Biophytis SA, a biotechnology company specializing in age-related disease treatments, will participate in the 15th International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR). The event is scheduled from March 12 to 14 in Toulouse. The conference aims to advance clinical trials for frail older adults, featuring expertise from researchers and clinicians in the field.
Biophytis is set to present preliminary data supporting the clinical development of their lead drug candidate, BIO101. This will be part of a special session on obesity-associated sarcopenia, highlighting the preservation of muscle and mobility in patients using GLP-1 receptor agonists. The presented research will undergo peer review and be published in the Journal of Frailty and Aging.
R. P.
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