sur International House UC Berkeley

Berkeley I-House Students Confident in Free Speech Environment

In a striking contrast to national trends, students at International House Berkeley (I-House) report feeling safe in expressing their views. A recent survey revealed 88% of I-House residents feel secure sharing opinions, a sharp divergence from the broader university climate.

While only 42% of UC Berkeley students feel their institution prioritizes free speech, 91% of I-House respondents expressed confidence in their leadership's protection of such freedoms. Additionally, 94% are comfortable discussing controversial topics with peers, and a significant majority opposes disruptive protests.

This survey underscores I-House Berkeley as an outlier in promoting free speech, with 60% acknowledging self-censorship elsewhere on campus but feeling encouraged to engage openly within I-House. The model, emphasizing respectful discourse, garners support, with 85% optimistic about its future impact on free expression.

R. H.

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