sur Bb Biotech (isin : CH0038389992)

BB Biotech Navigates Biotech Sector's Early Recovery in 2024

In 2024, BB Biotech experienced signs of a structural recovery within the biotech sector, driven by renewed investor focus on clinical data, regulatory approvals, and commercial execution, particularly in the fourth quarter. Despite a noteworthy recovery in net profit from CHF 207 million loss in 2023 to CHF 76 million profit in 2024, the company's share price faced pressure, resulting in a discount to its Net Asset Value (NAV) by year-end. However, its NAV showed resilience, growing 3% in CHF.

The firm remains committed to shareholder interests, proposing a CHF 1.80 per share dividend for 2024. Key portfolio holdings achieved major milestones, reinforcing its strategy. Political and regulatory shifts continue to pose challenges, but BB Biotech aims to capitalize on valuation opportunities in 2025, alongside prospects for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) driven by large biopharma needs.

R. E.

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