sur Battery X Metals (isin : CA86258H1001)

Battery X Metals Launches Strategic Initiatives to Bolster Financial Position

Battery X Metals Inc. has introduced several measures to enhance its balance sheet. The company aims to reduce liabilities through revised marketing agreements and debt settlements. CEO Massimo Bellini Bressi highlighted the importance of these initiatives for improving working capital and future growth opportunities, aimed at benefiting shareholders.

The initiatives plan to cut down accounts payable and liabilities by approximately $261,000. Proposed debt settlements amounting to $111,000 include issuing common shares to creditors, in accordance with securities laws. This move is designed to improve the company's financial health promptly.

Battery X Metals also concluded marketing agreements with firms Pivotal CM Limited and Sidis Holdings Limited, achieving significant cost savings. Additionally, Howard Blank has been appointed as an independent director and Chair of the Audit Committee, bringing extensive industry experience.

R. P.

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